Ce monde est sphérique et toutes choses vont en cercle, mais il n’est pas cerclé parce que la matière qui le compose est sans rigidité. Les chamans, comme d’autres spiritualistes considèrent que notre univers est ovoïde. Les Grecs le savaient déjà : ils nommaient Éros l’être originel produit par l’union de l’Éther et du Chaos, il s’accouche de l’Œuf à l’origine de la création. Cette métaphore de l’œuf se retrouve aussi dans les légendes chamaniques qui déclarent que les chamans naissent d’œufs déposés par les dieux dans les hautes branches d’un bouleau (tradition orale des shamans du clan Hongrois des Baksa).
Cette même forme ovoïde est celle de votre Corps de Lumière qui enveloppe dans son aura tous les corps qui constituent un être animé, sa radiance en lumière et couleurs devient visible pour celui qui devient réceptif à ses chakras : tous émettent de la chaleur et de la lumière, naturellement. La matière de cet œuf s’apparente à celles de plusieurs mousselines d’une texture très fine et dont les filaments sont en relation avec toutes les autres créatures de même qualité énergétique. A l’intérieur de cet œuf deux sphères s’interpénètrent, elles délimitent trois espaces : le leur, et celui de leur interpénétration.
Lire la suite de l'article sur : http://www.buddhachannel.tv/portail/spip.php?article11477
Comprendre que la réalité du réchauffement climatique ce n'est pas seulement dans les pays lointains:
This world is spherical and all things are going in circles, but it is not circled because the matter which is composed without rigidity. Shamans, like other spiritualists believe that our universe is ovoid. The Greeks knew already: they called Eros original being produced by the union of Ether and Chaos, he born by him through the Egg at the origin of creation. This metaphor of the egg is also found in the shamanic legends which say that shamans are born from eggs deposited by the gods in the high branches of a birch (oral tradition of shamans’ clan Hungarians Baksa).
The same ovoid shape is that of your Light Body who envelope in its womb all bodies living being, its radiance and light colours become visible to the one who is receptive to his chakras: all emit heat and Light, naturally. The matter in this egg is similar to those of several of muslin very fine texture and whose filaments are connected with all other creatures as well as energy. Inside this egg two spheres overlap and define three spaces: theirs and that of their interpenetration.
Because men and trees stand on their legs (the trees by their trunks), common usage speaks low down worlds, world of the center and the upper world. Indeed, the material is denser and it is obscure; more matter is aerated and is light to be similar to the brightness of stars. With the sphere that contains low down worlds, there are also worm their way underground where the roots of trees; in world of the center, there are all the circumstances of life and in the upper world, the subtle and spirituality that also correspond to the branches and leaves. In the rustling of the leaves of certain tree, shamans hear the Spirit of this tree that speaks to them. At the human body, the lower sphere contains your feet, your legs and thighs, your root chakra, your Hara, your solar plexus and your viscera. The top sphere contains your third eye, sixth chakra, the crown chakra, right on brain activity, sensory perception and the anchoring of the eighth and ninth chakras. The space created by the junction of the two spheres contains your heart, your lungs, the chakra of communication at your throat, your shoulders, arms and forearms and hands. The heart chakra is another membrane that envelops these two spheres. As water creeps everywhere, blood and lymph circulation are without specific location, while your bones divide among them in these three areas. It is also one reason for their use (skull and femurs) in ceremonies.
Parce que ici, tous nous avons les plus belles opportunités de vie, je vous propose de voir cette vidéo, un hommage à l'école du Sourire de Bouddha:
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