mercredi 22 février 2012

Please Amazon: Stop selling whale meat! Merci de ne pas vendre de la viande de cétacés

Amazon: Stop selling whale meat!

Japan continues to undermine international laws by hunting whales and trading in whale meat. These great whale species are afforded full legal protection by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); yet, through its wholly owned subsidiary in Japan, is actively involved in the sale of hundreds of whale, dolphin and porpoise products. These include endangered fin whale products from Iceland, as well as endangered whale meat from the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Cette vidéo du site VIMEO prouve que la destruction systématique de cétacés pour vendre leur viande est une réalité. Ces êtres sont bien trop peu nombreux pour accepter qu'ils disparaissent dans nos estomacs et qu'ils terminent leur existence dans une boite de conserve ou les rayons des bacs de surgelés. Si vous êtes concernés....faites suivre.

Autre source : MIRROR NEWS 21 Feb 2012 By Mike Swain
Apparently, is not for saving the whales. The website is selling endangered whale meat, to the outrage of animal advocates and environmentalists.
According to Mirror, animal rights organizations have found 147 illegal items being sold through the website. Among those items are whale curry, stew, bacon and hamburger all made from whale meat. The international ban on whaling was established in 1982

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